
How to design your own models

MMEditing is built upon MMEngine and MMCV, which enables users to design new models quickly, train and evaluate them easily. In this section, you will learn how to design your own models.

The structure of this guide are as follows:

Overview of models in MMEditing

In MMEditing, one algorithm can be splited two compents: Model and Module.

  • Model are topmost wrappers and always inherint from BaseModel provided in MMEngine. Model is responsible to network forward, loss calculation and backward, parameters updating, etc. In MMEditing, Model should be registered as MODELS.

  • Module includes the neural network architectures to train or inference, pre-defined loss classes, and data preprocessors to preprocess the input data batch. Module always present as elements of Model. In MMEditing, Module should be registered as MODULES.

Take DCGAN model as an example, generator and discriminator are the Module, which generate images and discriminate real or fake images. DCGAN is the Model, which take data from dataloader and train generator and discriminator alternatively.

You can find the implementation of Model and Module by the following link.

An example of SRCNN

Here, we take the implementation of the classical image super-resolution model, SRCNN [1], as an example.

Step 1: Define the network of SRCNN

SRCNN is the first deep learning method for single image super-resolution [1]. To implement the network architecture of SRCNN, we need to create a new file mmedit/models/editors/srgan/ and implement class MSRResNet.

In this step, we implement class MSRResNet by inheriting from mmengine.models.BaseModule and define the network architecture in __init__ function. In particular, we need to use @MODELS.register_module() to add the implementation of class MSRResNet into the registration of MMEditing.

import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.model import BaseModule
from mmedit.registry import MODELS

from mmedit.models.utils import (PixelShufflePack, ResidualBlockNoBN,
                                 default_init_weights, make_layer)

class MSRResNet(BaseModule):
    """Modified SRResNet.

    A compacted version modified from SRResNet in "Photo-Realistic Single
    Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network".

    It uses residual blocks without BN, similar to EDSR.
    Currently, it supports x2, x3 and x4 upsampling scale factor.

        in_channels (int): Channel number of inputs.
        out_channels (int): Channel number of outputs.
        mid_channels (int): Channel number of intermediate features.
            Default: 64.
        num_blocks (int): Block number in the trunk network. Default: 16.
        upscale_factor (int): Upsampling factor. Support x2, x3 and x4.
            Default: 4.
    _supported_upscale_factors = [2, 3, 4]

    def __init__(self,

        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.mid_channels = mid_channels
        self.num_blocks = num_blocks
        self.upscale_factor = upscale_factor

        self.conv_first = nn.Conv2d(
            in_channels, mid_channels, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
        self.trunk_net = make_layer(
            ResidualBlockNoBN, num_blocks, mid_channels=mid_channels)

        # upsampling
        if self.upscale_factor in [2, 3]:
            self.upsample1 = PixelShufflePack(
        elif self.upscale_factor == 4:
            self.upsample1 = PixelShufflePack(
                mid_channels, mid_channels, 2, upsample_kernel=3)
            self.upsample2 = PixelShufflePack(
                mid_channels, mid_channels, 2, upsample_kernel=3)
            raise ValueError(
                f'Unsupported scale factor {self.upscale_factor}. '
                f'Currently supported ones are '

        self.conv_hr = nn.Conv2d(
            mid_channels, mid_channels, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)
        self.conv_last = nn.Conv2d(
            mid_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)

        self.img_upsampler = nn.Upsample(

        # activation function
        self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True)


    def init_weights(self):
        """Init weights for models.

            pretrained (str, optional): Path for pretrained weights. If given
                None, pretrained weights will not be loaded. Defaults to None.
            strict (boo, optional): Whether strictly load the pretrained model.
                Defaults to True.

        for m in [self.conv_first, self.conv_hr, self.conv_last]:
            default_init_weights(m, 0.1)

Then, we implement the forward function of class MSRResNet, which takes as input tensor and then returns the results from MSRResNet.

    def forward(self, x):
        """Forward function.

            x (Tensor): Input tensor with shape (n, c, h, w).

            Tensor: Forward results.

        feat = self.lrelu(self.conv_first(x))
        out = self.trunk_net(feat)

        if self.upscale_factor in [2, 3]:
            out = self.upsample1(out)
        elif self.upscale_factor == 4:
            out = self.upsample1(out)
            out = self.upsample2(out)

        out = self.conv_last(self.lrelu(self.conv_hr(out)))
        upsampled_img = self.img_upsampler(x)
        out += upsampled_img
        return out

After the implementation of class MSRResNet, we need to update the model list in mmedit/models/editors/, so that we can import and use class MSRResNet by mmedit.models.editors.

from .srgan.sr_resnet import MSRResNet

Step 2: Define the model of SRCNN

After the implementation of the network architecture, we need to define our model class BaseEditModel and implement the forward loop of class BaseEditModel.

To implement class BaseEditModel, we create a new file mmedit/models/base_models/ Specifically, class BaseEditModel inherits from mmengine.model.BaseModel. In the __init__ function, we define the loss functions, training and testing configurations, networks of class BaseEditModel.

from typing import List, Optional

import torch
from mmengine.model import BaseModel

from mmedit.registry import MODELS
from mmedit.structures import EditDataSample, PixelData

class BaseEditModel(BaseModel):
    """Base model for image and video editing.

    It must contain a generator that takes frames as inputs and outputs an
    interpolated frame. It also has a pixel-wise loss for training.

        generator (dict): Config for the generator structure.
        pixel_loss (dict): Config for pixel-wise loss.
        train_cfg (dict): Config for training. Default: None.
        test_cfg (dict): Config for testing. Default: None.
        init_cfg (dict, optional): The weight initialized config for
        data_preprocessor (dict, optional): The pre-process config of

        init_cfg (dict, optional): Initialization config dict.
        data_preprocessor (:obj:`BaseDataPreprocessor`): Used for
            pre-processing data sampled by dataloader to the format accepted by
            :meth:`forward`. Default: None.

    def __init__(self,
            init_cfg=init_cfg, data_preprocessor=data_preprocessor)

        self.train_cfg = train_cfg
        self.test_cfg = test_cfg

        # generator
        self.generator =

        # loss
        self.pixel_loss =

Since mmengine.model.BaseModel provides the basic functions of the algorithmic model, such as weights initialize, batch inputs preprocess, parse losses, and update model parameters. Therefore, the subclasses inherit from BaseModel, i.e., class BaseEditModel in this example, only need to implement the forward method, which implements the logic to calculate loss and predictions.

Specifically, the implemented forward function of class BaseEditModel takes as input batch_inputs and data_samples and return results according to mode arguments.

    def forward(self,
                batch_inputs: torch.Tensor,
                data_samples: Optional[List[EditDataSample]] = None,
                mode: str = 'tensor',
        """Returns losses or predictions of training, validation, testing, and
        simple inference process.

        ``forward`` method of BaseModel is an abstract method, its subclasses
        must implement this method.

        Accepts ``batch_inputs`` and ``data_samples`` processed by
        :attr:`data_preprocessor`, and returns results according to mode

        During non-distributed training, validation, and testing process,
        ``forward`` will be called by ``BaseModel.train_step``,
        ``BaseModel.val_step`` and ``BaseModel.val_step`` directly.

        During distributed data parallel training process,
        ``MMSeparateDistributedDataParallel.train_step`` will first call
        ``DistributedDataParallel.forward`` to enable automatic
        gradient synchronization, and then call ``forward`` to get training

            batch_inputs (torch.Tensor): batch input tensor collated by
            data_samples (List[BaseDataElement], optional):
                data samples collated by :attr:`data_preprocessor`.
            mode (str): mode should be one of ``loss``, ``predict`` and

                - ``loss``: Called by ``train_step`` and return loss ``dict``
                  used for logging
                - ``predict``: Called by ``val_step`` and ``test_step``
                  and return list of ``BaseDataElement`` results used for
                  computing metric.
                - ``tensor``: Called by custom use to get ``Tensor`` type


                - If ``mode == loss``, return a ``dict`` of loss tensor used
                  for backward and logging.
                - If ``mode == predict``, return a ``list`` of
                  :obj:`BaseDataElement` for computing metric
                  and getting inference result.
                - If ``mode == tensor``, return a tensor or ``tuple`` of tensor
                  or ``dict or tensor for custom use.

        if mode == 'tensor':
            return self.forward_tensor(batch_inputs, data_samples, **kwargs)

        elif mode == 'predict':
            return self.forward_inference(batch_inputs, data_samples, **kwargs)

        elif mode == 'loss':
            return self.forward_train(batch_inputs, data_samples, **kwargs)

Specifically, in forward_tensor, class BaseEditModel returns the forward tensors of the network directly.

    def forward_tensor(self, batch_inputs, data_samples=None, **kwargs):
        """Forward tensor.
            Returns result of simple forward.

            batch_inputs (torch.Tensor): batch input tensor collated by
            data_samples (List[BaseDataElement], optional):
                data samples collated by :attr:`data_preprocessor`.

            Tensor: result of simple forward.

        feats = self.generator(batch_inputs, **kwargs)

        return feats

In forward_inference function, class BaseEditModel first converts the forward tensors to images and then returns the images as output.

    def forward_inference(self, batch_inputs, data_samples=None, **kwargs):
        """Forward inference.
            Returns predictions of validation, testing, and simple inference.

            batch_inputs (torch.Tensor): batch input tensor collated by
            data_samples (List[BaseDataElement], optional):
                data samples collated by :attr:`data_preprocessor`.

            List[EditDataSample]: predictions.

        feats = self.forward_tensor(batch_inputs, data_samples, **kwargs)
        feats = self.data_preprocessor.destructor(feats)
        predictions = []
        for idx in range(feats.shape[0]):

        return predictions

In forward_train, class BaseEditModel calculate the loss function and returns a dictionary contains the losses as output.

    def forward_train(self, batch_inputs, data_samples=None, **kwargs):
        """Forward training.
            Returns dict of losses of training.

            batch_inputs (torch.Tensor): batch input tensor collated by
            data_samples (List[BaseDataElement], optional):
                data samples collated by :attr:`data_preprocessor`.

            dict: Dict of losses.

        feats = self.forward_tensor(batch_inputs, data_samples, **kwargs)
        gt_imgs = [ for data_sample in data_samples]
        batch_gt_data = torch.stack(gt_imgs)

        loss = self.pixel_loss(feats, batch_gt_data)

        return dict(loss=loss)

After the implementation of class BaseEditModel, we need to update the model list in mmedit/models/, so that we can import and use class BaseEditModel by mmedit.models.

from .base_models.base_edit_model import BaseEditModel

Step 3: Start training SRCNN

After implementing the network architecture and the forward loop of SRCNN, now we can create a new file configs/srcnn/ to set the configurations needed by training SRCNN.

In the configuration file, we need to specify the parameters of our model, class BaseEditModel, including the generator network architecture, loss function, additional training and testing configuration, and data preprocessor of input tensors. Please refer to the Introduction to the loss in MMEditing for more details of losses in MMEditing.

# model settings
model = dict(
        channels=(3, 64, 32, 3),
        kernel_sizes=(9, 1, 5),
    pixel_loss=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=1.0, reduction='mean'),
        mean=[0., 0., 0.],
        std=[255., 255., 255.],

We also need to specify the training dataloader and testing dataloader according to create your own dataloader. Finally we can start training our own model by:

python configs/srcnn/

An example of DCGAN

Here, we take the implementation of the classical gan model, DCGAN [2], as an example.

Step 1: Define the network of DCGAN

DCGAN is a classical image generative adversarial network [2]. To implement the network architecture of DCGAN, we need to create tow new files mmedit/models/editors/dcgan/ and mmedit/models/editors/dcgan/, and implement generator (class DCGANGenerator) and discriminator (class DCGANDiscriminator).

In this step, we implement class DCGANGenerator, class DCGANDiscriminator and define the network architecture in __init__ function. In particular, we need to use @MODULES.register_module() to add the generator and discriminator into the registration of MMEditing.

Take the following code as example:

import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
from mmcv.runner import load_checkpoint
from mmcv.utils.parrots_wrapper import _BatchNorm
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger
from mmengine.model.utils import normal_init

from mmedit.models.builder import MODULES
from ..common import get_module_device

class DCGANGenerator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
        self.output_scale = output_scale
        self.base_channels = base_channels
        self.input_scale = input_scale
        self.noise_size = noise_size

        # the number of times for upsampling
        self.num_upsamples = int(np.log2(output_scale // input_scale))

        # output 4x4 feature map
        self.noise2feat = ConvModule(

        # build up upsampling backbone (excluding the output layer)
        upsampling = []
        curr_channel = base_channels
        for _ in range(self.num_upsamples - 1):
                    curr_channel // 2,

            curr_channel //= 2

        self.upsampling = nn.Sequential(*upsampling)

        # output layer
        self.output_layer = ConvModule(

Then, we implement the forward function of DCGANGenerator, which takes as noise tensor or num_batches and then returns the results from DCGANGenerator.

    def forward(self, noise, num_batches=0, return_noise=False):
        noise_batch =
        x = self.noise2feat(noise_batch)
        x = self.upsampling(x)
        x = self.output_layer(x)
        return x

If you want to implement specific weights initialization method for you network, you need add init_weights function by yourself.

    def init_weights(self, pretrained=None):
        if isinstance(pretrained, str):
            logger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()
            load_checkpoint(self, pretrained, strict=False, logger=logger)
        elif pretrained is None:
            for m in self.modules():
                if isinstance(m, (nn.Conv2d, nn.ConvTranspose2d)):
                    normal_init(m, 0, 0.02)
                elif isinstance(m, _BatchNorm):
                    nn.init.constant_(, 0)
            raise TypeError('pretrained must be a str or None but'
                            f' got {type(pretrained)} instead.')

After the implementation of class DCGANGenerator, we need to update the model list in mmedit/models/editors/, so that we can import and use class DCGANGenerator by mmedit.models.editors.

Implementation of Class DCGANDiscriminator follows the similar logic, and you can find the implementation here.

Step 2: Design the model of DCGAN

After the implementation of the network Module, we need to define our Model class DCGAN.

Your Model should inherit from BaseModel provided by MMEngine and implement three functions, train_step, val_step and test_step.

  • train_step: This function is responsible to update the parameters of the network and called by MMEngine’s Loop (IterBasedTrainLoop or EpochBasedTrainLoop). train_step take data batch and OptimWrapper as input and return a dict of log.

  • val_step: This function is responsible for getting output for validation during the training process. and is called by GenValLoop.

  • test_step: This function is responsible for getting output in test process and is called by GenTestLoop.

Note that, in train_step, val_step and test_step, DataPreprocessor is called to preprocess the input data batch before feed them to the neural network. To know more about DataPreprocessor please refer to this file and this tutorial.

For simplify using, we provide BaseGAN class in MMEditing, which implements generic train_step, val_step and test_step function for GAN models. With BaseGAN as base class, each specific GAN algorithm only need to implement train_generator and train_discriminator.

In train_step, we support data preprocessing, gradient accumulation (realized by OptimWrapper) and expontial moving averate (EMA) realized by (ExponentialMovingAverage). With BaseGAN.train_step, each specific GAN algorithm only need to implement train_generator and train_discriminator.

    def train_step(self, data: dict,
                   optim_wrapper: OptimWrapperDict) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        message_hub = MessageHub.get_current_instance()
        curr_iter = message_hub.get_info('iter')
        data = self.data_preprocessor(data, True)
        disc_optimizer_wrapper: OptimWrapper = optim_wrapper['discriminator']
        disc_accu_iters = disc_optimizer_wrapper._accumulative_counts

        # train discriminator, use context manager provided by MMEngine
        with disc_optimizer_wrapper.optim_context(self.discriminator):
            # train_discriminator should be implemented!
            log_vars = self.train_discriminator(
                **data, optimizer_wrapper=disc_optimizer_wrapper)

        # add 1 to `curr_iter` because iter is updated in train loop.
        # Whether to update the generator. We update generator with
        # discriminator is fully updated for `self.n_discriminator_steps`
        # iterations. And one full updating for discriminator contains
        # `disc_accu_counts` times of grad accumulations.
        if (curr_iter + 1) % (self.discriminator_steps * disc_accu_iters) == 0:
            set_requires_grad(self.discriminator, False)
            gen_optimizer_wrapper = optim_wrapper['generator']
            gen_accu_iters = gen_optimizer_wrapper._accumulative_counts

            log_vars_gen_list = []
            # init optimizer wrapper status for generator manually
                self.generator, 0, self.generator_steps * gen_accu_iters)
            # update generator, use context manager provided by MMEngine
            for _ in range(self.generator_steps * gen_accu_iters):
                with gen_optimizer_wrapper.optim_context(self.generator):
                    # train_generator should be implemented!
                    log_vars_gen = self.train_generator(
                        **data, optimizer_wrapper=gen_optimizer_wrapper)

            log_vars_gen = gather_log_vars(log_vars_gen_list)
            log_vars_gen.pop('loss', None)  # remove 'loss' from gen logs

            set_requires_grad(self.discriminator, True)

            # only do ema after generator update
            if self.with_ema_gen and (curr_iter + 1) >= (
                    self.ema_start * self.discriminator_steps *
                    if is_model_wrapper(self.generator) else self.generator)


        # return the log dict
        return log_vars

In val_step and test_step, we call data preprocessing and BaseGAN.forward progressively.

    def val_step(self, data: dict) -> SampleList:
        data = self.data_preprocessor(data)
        # call `forward`
        outputs = self(**data)
        return outputs

    def test_step(self, data: dict) -> SampleList:
        data = self.data_preprocessor(data)
        # call `orward`
        outputs = self(**data)
        return outputs

Then, we implement train_generator and train_discriminator in DCGAN class.

from typing import Dict, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine.optim import OptimWrapper
from torch import Tensor

from mmedit.registry import MODELS
from .base_gan import BaseGAN

class DCGAN(BaseGAN):
    def disc_loss(self, disc_pred_fake: Tensor,
                  disc_pred_real: Tensor) -> Tuple:
        losses_dict = dict()
        losses_dict['loss_disc_fake'] = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            disc_pred_fake, 0. * torch.ones_like(disc_pred_fake))
        losses_dict['loss_disc_real'] = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            disc_pred_real, 1. * torch.ones_like(disc_pred_real))

        loss, log_var = self.parse_losses(losses_dict)
        return loss, log_var

    def gen_loss(self, disc_pred_fake: Tensor) -> Tuple:
        losses_dict = dict()
        losses_dict['loss_gen'] = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
            disc_pred_fake, 1. * torch.ones_like(disc_pred_fake))
        loss, log_var = self.parse_losses(losses_dict)
        return loss, log_var

    def train_discriminator(
            self, inputs, data_sample,
            optimizer_wrapper: OptimWrapper) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        real_imgs = inputs['img']

        num_batches = real_imgs.shape[0]

        noise_batch = self.noise_fn(num_batches=num_batches)
        with torch.no_grad():
            fake_imgs = self.generator(noise=noise_batch, return_noise=False)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        disc_pred_real = self.discriminator(real_imgs)

        parsed_losses, log_vars = self.disc_loss(disc_pred_fake,
        return log_vars

    def train_generator(self, inputs, data_sample,
                        optimizer_wrapper: OptimWrapper) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
        num_batches = inputs['img'].shape[0]

        noise = self.noise_fn(num_batches=num_batches)
        fake_imgs = self.generator(noise=noise, return_noise=False)

        disc_pred_fake = self.discriminator(fake_imgs)
        parsed_loss, log_vars = self.gen_loss(disc_pred_fake)

        return log_vars

After the implementation of class DCGAN, we need to update the model list in mmedit/models/, so that we can import and use class DCGAN by mmedit.models.

Step 3: Start training DCGAN

After implementing the network Module and the Model of DCGAN, now we can create a new file configs/dcgan/ to set the configurations needed by training DCGAN.

In the configuration file, we need to specify the parameters of our model, class DCGAN, including the generator network architecture and data preprocessor of input tensors.

# model settings
model = dict(
    generator=dict(type='DCGANGenerator', output_scale=64, base_channels=1024),

We also need to specify the training dataloader and testing dataloader according to create your own dataloader. Finally we can start training our own model by:

python configs/dcgan/


  1. Dong, Chao and Loy, Chen Change and He, Kaiming and Tang, Xiaoou. Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2015.

  2. Radford, Alec, Luke Metz, and Soumith Chintala. “Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06434 (2015).

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